Sunday, December 30, 2012
Holiday Celebration of Cleveland's Diversity
The 3rd annual Holiday Celebration of Cleveland's Diversity was held in the City Hall Rotunda on December 12, 2012. The event was put on by the Worldwide Intercultural Network (WIN) Northeast Ohio in conjunction with the office of Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson.
At the 3rd annual party, a diverse crowd sampled ethnic food and drinks, watched multicultural performances, listened and danced to world music and mixed and mingled with the attendees who represented dozens of different cultural backgrounds.
ClevelandPeople.Com was proud to again be a sponsor of the event.
3 pages of photos and videos from the event
Sunday, December 23, 2012
CyberWall of Non-Violence at Philanthropia
Over 100 people signed the pledge including Beachwood Mayor Merle Gorden, news anchor Leon Bibb and Singing Angels artistic director Charles Eversole.
See more from the CyberWall at Philanthropia.
Philanthropia 2012
After the tragedy of 9/11, New York City absorbed such a large portion of all charitable donations that many local non-profits struggled to reach their own goals. In response, Harlan Diamond and Executive Caterers rededicated their December Corporate Club luncheon to the support of local charities, especially smaller organizations without substantial resources of their own.
Over $143,000 was raised this year for local non-profits.
See MC Leon Bibb, the Singing Angels and more of Philanthropia 2012
Friday, December 21, 2012
Bohemian National Hall Home of the Czech Cultural Center
It has been renovated by volunteers and hosts the Sokol Greater Cleveland Czech Cultural Museum.
See more from the Bohemian Hall
American Nationalities Movement Annual Christmas Program
The American Nationalities Movement held their Annual Christmas Party and Program on December 15th at the beautifully renovated Bohemian National Hall Ballroom at 4939 Broadway in Cleveland.
Freedom Awards were presented to Rev. John M. Loejos and Richard A. Ganim.
See more from the American Nationalities Movement event
ClevelandPeople.Com in Congressional Record
Thank you to Congressman Dennis Kucinich for recognizing ClevelandPeople.Com into the US Congressional Record. Michael Patterson from Congressman Kucinich's office presented the proclamation at our annual holiday event.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Thank You for the Gifts
Tiny Prints is making it easy for you this year - but you have to take advantage of it today, December 20.
50% of today only!
Here's the scoop:
It's almost time to say "thank you."
Your boss, your spouse, your co-workers...anyone who got you a Christmas gift (or for whom you are thankful this year). In a week, it will be time to thank them for their wonderful (and even not so wonderful) gifts.
Tiny Prints has the perfect way to say "thank you" at an incredible price. For one day only, from 10:00am PT today through 9:00am PT , they are selling their amazing thank you cards at 50% Off!
These are not your run-of-the-mill thank you cards either. They are awesome. From the paper quality to the ability to personalize them with pictures and your own text, these cards are sure to leave a lasting impression...and maybe even result in a better gift next year.
Who do you need to thank this year? Check out Tiny Prints right away and say "thank you" in style this year. And remember to use promo code DOD1220 to save 50%! P.S.
You don't need a gift from someone to let them know you're thankful for them!
Cleveland Police Administrative Review
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Contest Winners
Cleveland Christmas Memories
Congratulations to the winners of a copy of Cleveland Christmas Memories: Looking Back at Holidays Past by Gail Ghetia Bellamy. The books were mailed this morning.
- Evelyn G from Hinckley
- Margaret F from Akron
- Lauren L from South Euclid
- Dan D from Cleveland
- Jim S from Mayfield
- Carol R from Lakewood
Monday, December 17, 2012
Worst Passwords of 2012
Here are the Top Ten.
Rank | Password | Change from 2011 List |
1 | password | Unchanged |
2 | 123456 | Unchanged |
3 | 12345678 | Unchanged |
4 | abc123 | Up 1 |
5 | qwerty | Down 1 |
6 | monkey | Unchanged |
7 | letmein | Up 1 |
8 | dragon | Up 2 |
9 | 111111 | Up 3 |
10 | baseball | Up 1 |
Morgan Slain, SplashData CEO. "We're hoping that with more publicity about how risky it is to use weak passwords, more people will start taking simple steps to protect themselves by using stronger passwords and using different passwords for different websites."
See the rest of the Top 25 Worst Passwords of 2012.
So who are all theses people are that use 'monkey' for a password!
Thursday, December 06, 2012
The 2012 Diversity Center Humanitarian Award
Since 1949, The Diversity Center has honored men and women of outstanding dedication and community service in our region at the annual Humanitarian Award Dinner. Nominees exhibit an extensive record of involvement in civic, charitable, volunteer, and professional organizations. Each nominee has contributed to the improvement of human relations among diverse groups in Northeast Ohio.
Monday, December 03, 2012
I Shot the Sheriff
Saturday, December 01, 2012
Encyclopedia of Electronic Components - Book Review
Author Charles Platt is a Contributing Editor and regular columnist for O'Reilly Media's Make: Magazine, where he writes about electronics. If you are looking for more of a tutorial, consider Platt's introductory hands-on book, Make: Electronics
In this era of immediate access to information from search engines, why do you need a physical book on electronic components? As Platt suggests, the information available online is often inconsistent in quality. Volume 1 (this book - Vol. 2 and 3 are in the works) is thorough and consistently high-quality.
The book is broken down into sections for Power (such as battery), Connection (fuse, switch, relay), Moderation (resistor, capacitor, inductor), Conversion (transformer, inverter) Regulation (Voltage regulator) Electromagnetism (solenoid), Rotational (motors) and Discrete Semiconductor (diodes, FETs).
Each section has a standard group of information presented. Each starts with other common names and related components. Then there is a What it Does section with photos or drawings and then a How it Works section. The Variants sections may include, for example, the different formats for capacitors. Sticking with the capacitors example, there is then a section on Principal Types of capacitors, Dielectrics, Values associated with the component (farads for capacitors) and a lot more details and variants as the component may have.
Each section has a useful What Can Go Wrong section that lists the common problems that may affect a component (wrong polarity, heat, vibration, etc.) and what to do about it.At the end of the 278 page book are a few pages of Schematic Symbols.
It's a complete and detailed reference and the information is presented logically and in an appealing way. Either the Index or Table of Contents (or a quick flip through and browse of the headers at the top of each page) gets you to the desired information fast.
I think it's a terrific resource and am eager to see the next volumes.
Great Lakes Geek Rating: 4.5 out of 5 pocket protectors.
Reviewed by Entreprenerd Dan Hanson, the Great Lakes Geek (11/12)
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Lebanon Day in Cleveland
Pictures and video from Lebanon Day in Cleveland
The Lebanese folk dance group Ajyal performed. Photos and video of Ajyal.
Photos of attendees at Lebanon Day
Monday, November 19, 2012
Deepavali - Diwali - in Cleveland
The formal program featured Ratanjit Sondhe who explained Sikhs and Sikhism to the diverse crowd.
The entertainment included a Manipuri Dance by Sanjib Bhattacharya (above) who is visiting from India and a modern Punjabi dance by a group of CWRU students called Spartan Bhangra. (below)
See more from 2012 Diwali in Cleveland
Friday, November 16, 2012
Hospice of the Western Reserve
The Hospice of the Western Reserve has volunteer opportunities for all ages, interests and talents with an extraordinary love and a common bond of concern for others.
"I get so much more out of it than I give."
"This is the most important thing I have done in my life."
Direct Patient Care Opportunities:
- Provide Socialization, Comfort and Companionship,
- Legacy Work,
- Bereavement Calls,
- Music Access,
- Errands,
- Respite,
- Attorney,
- Notary,
- Veterans Serving Veterans,
- Licensed Hairdresser, Massotherapist,
- Pet Therapy,
- Transportation,
- Light Housekeeping,
- Teens,
- Spiritual Care
- Clerical/Data Entry,
- Reception,
- Teens,
- Community Outreach,
- Speaker’s Bureau,
- Resale Shop,
- Flower Arranging,
- Group Helper,
- Volunteer Education,
- Fundraising,
- Special Events,
- Volunteer Marketing
We are always appreciative of community volunteers who offer anything from a few hours to an entire day of service at our in patient facilities or our headquarters. There is a wide range of tasks including clerical, painting, cleaning, landscaping, entertainment and special meals at David Simpson Hospice House in Cleveland, Ames Family Hospice House in Westlake, as well as clerical and maintenance at our headquarters office in Cleveland.
Learn more about how you can volunteer for Hospice
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Nacy Panzica Profile
Nacy Panzica was born in Burgettstown, Pennsylvania, a coal mining town, in 1927. He had five sisters but was the only son of Anthony and Mary Panzica.
His birth name is Ignatius but he has been called Nacy all his life. "Now remember, it's not Nancy with an "N" - it's Nacy." The way he laughs when he says this you know he has clarified this many times through the years...
Official ClevelandSeniors.Com profile of Nacy Panzica.
Family is the cornerstone to this builder's success.
Medical Yatras helping the poor
To date AIPNO has helped more than 100,000 people in India and around the world in their health needs and provided FREE medicines, some surgeries and free numbered eye glasses, and lot of Cataract surgeries.
They have also assisted in disaster relief outside of India such as the Haiti earthquake (2010) and Hurricanes Katrina(2005) & Isadora (Mexico - 2002)
Learn more about the AIPNO Medical Yatras
Mother Teresa Statue
She said, "By blood, I am Albanian. By citizenship, an Indian. By faith, I am a Catholic nun. As to my calling, I belong to the world. As to my heart, I belong entirely to the Heart of Jesus."
See more of the Mother Teresa Statue in Cleveland
Monday, November 05, 2012
St Emeric reopens
The Rev. Sandor Siklodi returned to the Hungarian parish as its pastor after serving for 25 years as its spiritual leader.
More from the reopening of St Emeric Church
Sunday, November 04, 2012
Is Flash still the best choice?
Is that still the case?
The Great Lakes Geek sat down with two of the pros from Aztek to get the latest on Flash.
Dave Skorepa is Chief Creative Office and Matt Mesenger is Director of Web Marketing at Aztek Web Design in Cleveland and they live and breathe this stuff.
As you will see, Dave in particular is not shy about his opinion. The 2 pros argue that HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery allow them to do almost all of Flash's functionality without the problems of Flash.
Leap of Reason by Mario Morino
The Great Lakes Geek just finished reading Leap of Reason: Managing to Outcomes In an Era of Scarcity
I have been a fan of Mario Morino and the way he thinks - and acts - for many years.
But this isn't really a science, tech or business book. It's written for non-profit organizations. So what's it doing on the Great Lakes Geek's shelves?
While geared toward non-profits, Leap of Reason has a lot of good ideas for any business - especially "in an era of scarcity."
And when you get a chance to learn from a success such as Mario Morino, you should take the time and check it out.
Leap of Reason book review
Thursday, November 01, 2012
Prime Minister of Ireland in Cleveland
ClevelandPeople.Com covered the historic visit with photos and videos from many of the weekend's event starting here.
1) Taoiseach Enda Kenny at a special presentation of the City Club of Cleveland (Intercontinental Hotel on Cleveland Clinic Campus) on Friday, October 12, 2012.
2) Taoiseach Enda Kenny at a private meeting at Cleveland City Hall with Mayor Jackson and other city officials.
3) Irish Cultural Garden visit. Besides the main page, there are 6 more pages of photos of the hundreds of attendees in the Garden. Who do you recognize?
4) The last public appearance of the Taoiseach was at the annual Mayo Ball where James C. Boland was named 2012 Mayo Person of the Year.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
A child during the Vietnam War
by Linda West
(born Tran Thi Bach Yen Oanh )
The 111 pages of Beyond the Rice Paddies
It is a fascinating look into the world of a young girl in Vietnam in the mid-1960's. Tran Thi Bach Yen Oanh (the author, now known as Linda West) lived with her paternal grandmother, the beloved Ba Noi, in the village of Bien Hoa near Saigon.
The vignettes describe the joys (some American chewing gum, a doll with yellow hair, etc.) and hardships (a toilet comprised of two rickety slats over a maggot and fly infested area) of life in that historic place and time.
The war affects the villagers but not always directly. For example, Young Oanh wakes up one day with 'bubbles' over her one side that they determine were caused by a powder that came from a plane. Bodies are left in the market square to be claimed. Her hut has a dugout area so she and her Ba Noi can hide from the bullets when firefights erupt.
The author tells of the joy of the parade as the "giant-sized" American GIs marched into town to go "Beyond the Rice Paddies' and fight the Viet Cong. She then describes the fear and confusion when only a handful of them limp back a few days later, sans the fanfare.
Her mother worked as a 'bargirl' in Saigon and eventually marries an American who takes Oanh and her brother to the US in 1970. The author is now a real estate broker, a mother of three children and lives in Tucson, Arizona.
It's a fascinating yet humbling book that will make you count your blessings and perhaps look at war and the world in a different way.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
60 years after the Korean War
Monday, October 22, 2012
Superhero, Star Wars and Zombie Family
Now you can get cooler and geekier decals for the car or window or wherever.
Marvel Superhero Family Car Decals are the product of a partnership between ThinkGeek and Marvel. One package contains 50 decals, plenty to decorate multiple cars and your wee geeks' bedroom windows.
Four characters are included: Iron Man, Captain America, Wolverine, and Spider-Man. Each character comes in six versions: Dad, Mom, Daughter, Son, Dog, and Cat. Assemble your team of heroes and proudly display them wherever your Fantasti-Car may take you.
Product Specifications Family car decals for fans of Marvel superheroes 50 decals in all, 2 sheets of each set Ironman (Dad, Mom, Boy Child, Girl Child) Captain America (Dad, Mom, Boy Child, Girl Child) Wolverine (Dad, Mom, Boy Child, Girl Child) Spider-Man (Dad, Mom, Boy Child, Girl Child) Pets (Cat & Dog versions of Ironman, Captain America, Wolverine, Spider-Man) Marvel logo Stick easily to any clean, flat surface Officially licensed Marvel collectible.
Besides the Marvel Superheros you can also get Star Wars family and Zombie family. Just click on any of the images for more info.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Responsive Web Design
Responsive web design (RWD) is the latest approach to web design. It employs CSS3 media queries to provide an optimal viewing experience across the numerous different devices people view content on.
The Great Lakes Geek sat down with two of the pros from Aztek to get the latest on RWD. Dave Skorepa is Chief Creative Office and Matt Mesenger is Director of Web Marketing at Aztek Web Design in Cleveland and they live and breathe this stuff.
Besides the primer on Responsive Web Design, they answer the Geek's questions about scrolling, resizing, Pinterest, SEO and other related issues.
Look for more on Web Design, SEO, Social Media and more from the pros at Aztek coming soon at GreatLakesGeek.Com
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Leif Ericson Day
Each year on Leif Ericson Day they toast the explorer and his maritime accomplishments with a drink of Aquavit, a 40 proof Scandinavian liqueur. Aquavit is said to get its special flavor from its trip to the Equator.
Photos and videos from Leif Ericson Day in Cleveland
Tuesday, October 09, 2012
Fitness for Geeks
I just finished reading Fitness for Geeks: Real Science, Great Nutrition, and Good Health
Let's face it. Many of us who qualify for the moniker Geek (or Geekette) tend to spend a lot of time seated in front of a computer. We also tend to eat and drink items that are convenient and tasty which usually is a synonym for 'unhealthy.'
People like us are always looking for a clever or unique way to solve a problem. So if fitness is the problem, we approach it as a hackable goal. When a book proposes to lead us to fitness in such a manner, especially with the credibility of being part of the O'Reilly family, we have to check it out.
Great Lakes Geek Book Review of Fitness for Geeks
Monday, October 08, 2012
Peruvian Procession
Here in Cleveland this tradition is carried out at Iglesia La Sagrada Familia Catholic Church on Detroit Ave. About 1000 took part in the 18th annual event on Sunday October 7.
Pictures and video from the Lord of the Miracles Procession
Saturday, October 06, 2012
Alzheimer's Disease - Stage 6
It's frustrating and scary and sad. This is one disease that may be harder on the family and caregivers than the patient.
My cousin (Pam's daughter) Laura wrote a powerful essay on dealing with her Mom now that she is in Stage 6. It's really something.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
2 new Milan Jacovich mysteries
The Cleveland Creep
One of the things I really like about the series is that Jacovich isn't somehow preserved in a time capsule where he, or the world, never change. He is aging and his work as a PI is affected by that. It is also the reason that I recommend that people start reading the series from the beginning, a book titled Pepper Pike
Whiskey Island
Part of the fun of the book is seeing if the characters in the book have any obvious connection to the real-life corrupt officials.
Again, I recommend starting with book 1 and going through the entire series but if you want just pick up either of these books and you will be hooked.
My review of The Cleveland Creep
My review of Whiskey Island
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Dr. Maria Pujana profile
Official ClevelandWomen.Com profile of Dr. Maria Pujana.
Born in Madrid, raised in Colombia, now giving back in Cleveland.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Smoke 'em if you... BOOM!
War of 1812 Navigation
He also explained the roots of the expressions Deep Six and Mark Twain. From Navy Week 2012 in Cleveland.
More from the War of 1812
Battle of Lake Erie in War of 1812
On Lake Erie, American commander Captain Oliver Hazard Perry fought the Battle of Lake Erie on September 10, 1813. His decisive victory ensured American control of the lake, improved American morale after a series of defeats, and compelled the British to fall back from Detroit. This paved the way for General Harrison to launch another invasion of Upper Canada, which culminated in the U.S. victory at the Battle of the Thames on October 5, 1813, in which Tecumseh was killed.
Tecumseh's death effectively ended the North American indigenous alliance with the British in the Detroit region. American control of Lake Erie meant the British could no longer provide essential military supplies to their aboriginal allies, who therefore dropped out of the war. The Americans controlled the area during the conflict.
Some great War of 1812 memorabilia and gear at Navy Week in Cleveland.
Steve Roberts of Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial showed a 32lb carronade cannon that is a replica of the one used by Oliver Hazard Perry in the Battle of Lake Erie in the War of 1812. A surprise flyover from the Blue Angels also took place during the video.
More from the War of 1812 Bicentennial at Navy Week in Cleveland.
Navy Week - Frigate USS De Wert
I had a blast climbing around on the frigate USS De Wert (FFG 45) at Navy Week in Cleveland.
Pictures of the frigate and a few others
Navy Week Cleveland
Free and open to the public.
There are other public events such as performances by the U.S. Navy Band, U.S. Navy Divers, U.S. Navy Blue Angels and the Leapfrogs, the Navy’s parachute demonstration team.
I had a blast climbing around on the USS De Wert (FFG 45). I took a lot of picture and posted them at Navy Week Cleveland ships.
Monday, August 27, 2012
One World Day Garden Song
They added some lyrics and performed it yesterday in the Irish Garden at the 65th annual One World Day. It was terrific! Will have lots of pics and video soon but here's the Garden Song video.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Packing for college - then and now.
Worth reading
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
A true saint
Wikipedia and other places have a lot of interesting facts about the Polish man but the part that grabbed me is that during the Second World War, he provided shelter to refugees from Poland, including 2,000 Jews whom he hid from Nazi persecution in his friary.
On 17 February 1941, he was arrested by the German Gestapo and imprisoned in the Pawiak prison. On 28 May, he was transferred to Auschwitz as prisoner #16670.
At the end of July 1941, three prisoners disappeared from the camp, prompting the deputy camp commander to pick 10 men to be starved to death in an underground bunker in order to deter further escape attempts.
When one of the selected men, Franciszek Gajowniczek, cried out, "My wife! My children!", Kolbe volunteered to take his place.
In the starvation cell, he celebrated Mass each day and sang hymns with the prisoners.
He led the other condemned men in song and prayer and encouraged them by telling them they would soon be with Mary in Heaven. Each time the guards checked on him, he was standing or kneeling in the middle of the cell and looking calmly at those who entered.
After two weeks of dehydration and starvation, only Kolbe remained alive. The guards wanted the bunker emptied and they gave Kolbe a lethal injection of carbolic acid.
He was canonized a saint in 1982 by Pope John Paul II and the man he saved by taking his place was present at the ceremony. Wow.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Liszt Concert in Hungarian Garden
The performers were under the direction of Vera Holczer, founder and director of the Aurora School of Music. Vera was born in Budapest and began her piano studies at age 9. Her advanced studies are from the Cleveland Institute of Music and she regularly performs on WCLV 104.9 FM.
Photos and videos of the people and concert performances
Ohio's Celtic and International Fall Fest - Free tickets
It's an event for the whole family with a children's stage with lots of activities and shows for the children.
New this year is the ClevelandPeople.Com International Pavilion.
Groups representing about 20 different cultures will perform. While we love the Irish and Celtic music, dances, bands and food that are the core of Ohio's Celtic and International Fall Fest, our region is made up of over 100 different ethnic groups. The ClevelandPeople.Com International Pavilion will feature music, performances, food and shopping from many different cultural groups.
Learn more and enter to win free tickets
Monday, August 06, 2012
Puerto Rican Parade
The annual Puerto Rican Parade and Latino Festival was held in Cleveland the weekend of August 3-5, 2012.
The event is put on by the Julia de Burgos Cultural Arts Center. The Center is dedicated to preserving and sharing the Puerto Rican and Caribbean traditions through the teaching and practice of the visual, performing, & literary arts.
2012 marks the 44th celebration of the Puerto Rican Parade in the City of Cleveland. The Parade & festivities are a great historical tradition that has united Clevelanders and Northeast Ohioans for decades.
4 pages of photos and a video of the parade highlights.
Wednesday, August 01, 2012
Windows 8 RTM
People will be able get Windows 8 starting on October 26th either by upgrading for $39.99 or on a new PC or device. And if you buy an eligible Windows 7 PC today, you will be able to purchase an upgrade to Windows 8 Pro for $14.99 (U.S.) through the Windows Upgrade Offer.
However, there are a number of programs that provides various audiences early access to the Windows 8 RTM code to help prepare for Windows 8 as it enters the marketplace this fall:
- August 15th: Developers will be able to download the final version of Windows 8 via your MSDN subscriptions.
- August 15th: IT professionals testing Windows 8 in organizations will be able to access the final version of Windows 8 through your TechNet subscriptions.
- August 16th: Customers with existing Microsoft Software Assurance for Windows will be able to download Windows 8 Enterprise edition through the Volume License Service Center (VLSC), allowing you to test, pilot and begin adopting Windows 8 Enterprise within your organization.
- August 16th: Microsoft Partner Network members will have access to Windows 8.
- August 20th: Microsoft Action Pack Providers (MAPS) receive access to Windows 8.
- September 1st: Volume License customers without Software Assurance will be able to purchase Windows 8 through Microsoft Volume License Resellers.
Father of Gymnastics
In the German Cultural Garden in Cleveland there is a bust of Friedrich Jahn.
In 1811, gymnast Friedrich Ludwig Jahn organized the first gymnastic clubs, or "Turn Vereine," as they are known in Germany. Friedrich Jahn was (and still is) known as "Father Jahn" for having fathered the many athletic clubs and for being like a father to so many young men.
He is known as the Father of Gymnastics
Monday, July 30, 2012
Cleveland's 216th Birthday Party
4 pages of photos and videos of the attendees, performers, fashion show and more
Chinese at Cleveland's 216th Birthday
Asian Indians at Cleveland Birthday
Cleveland Peruvians at birthday bash
Lithuanians at Cleveland 216th Birthday
Cleveland Lebanese at 216 Birthday Bash
CAMEO - the Cleveland Area Middle East Organization - had a booth and the band Ajyal performed a traditional Lebanese Dabke dance.
See photos and videos of the Lebanese at Cleveland's Birthday bash.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
London Calling - Summer Olympics
Swimming is like that too. We are fortunate to have an Olympic Gold Medal swimmer here in Cleveland. Diana Munz won a Gold and Silver in Sydney and a Bronze Medal in Athens four years later.
Diana gave us the inside scoop on the swimming competition during the 2008 Beijing Olympics and now she is doing it again for London. You can see her predictions and insights on the 2012 Olympic swimmers here where she talks about Missy Franklin, Dara Torres, Michael Phelps, Janet Evans and more.
You can watch Diana do commentary on NBC as well.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Year of the Dragon Public Art
Local artists applied their talent & creativity to the fiberglass dragon sculptures to create an assortment of unique pieces of public art. The Dragons have been placed outside local business establishments in Cleveland, and will be auctioned in September.
Each artist was challenged and inspired by cultural influences, their personal history, and their own interpretation of the dragon as an object of art.
This is the 7th year of the project with prior art honoring the Year of the Rabbit, Ox, Rat, Pig, Dog and Tiger.
Browse photos of all the Dragons and then vote for your favorites.