Sunday, March 13, 2022

Alberto Giacometti - Toward the Ultimate Figure - Cleveland Museum of Art

 The latest exhibit at the Cleveland Museum of Art is called Alberto Giacometti - Toward the Ultimate Figure. #TowardTheUltimateFigure

The exhibition Alberto Giacometti: Toward the Ultimate Figure gathers an ensemble of masterpieces focusing on the artist's major achievements of the postwar years (1945-66). Combining all media-sculpture, painting, and drawing-the show of 60 works draws upon the deep resources of the artist's personal collection and examines a central, animating aspect of his oeuvre: his extraordinary, singular concern for the human figure. Co-organized by the Fondation Giacometti in Paris and the Cleveland Museum of Art, the exhibition will also be presented at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; the Seattle Art Museum; and the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City. So we are very fortunate to have it here in Cleveland and first.

If you are expecting typical sculptures of people that look just like them, you will be surprised. Giacometti is best known for the bronze sculptures of tall, thin human figures that often look emaciated. Giacometti once said that he was sculpting not the human figure but "the shadow that is cast".

Here is a short video tour of the exhibit

See more photos and video of Alberto Giacometti - Toward the Ultimate Figure

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