While scientists respect Madame Marie Sklodowska Curie for her pioneering work in radioactivity, discovering the elements radium and polonium and other accomplishments, women scientists especially revere her.
Even after her first Nobel Prize, she was denied entrance to the French Academy of Science because she was a woman.
Curie was one of only two people to win 2 Nobel Prizes in 2 different fields. Linus Pauling won in Chemistry and then a Peace prize. Madame Curie won in Chemistry and Physics. Wow!
A statue of Madame Curie was dedicated Sunday in the Polish Cultural Garden in Cleveland. Several hundred people came to the event. Photos and videos from the event.
Adding to the event was the keynote given by Dr. Marie Siemionow from the Cleveland Clinic. In 2008, Dr. Siemionow led a team of six surgeons in a 22-hour surgery, performing the first face transplant in the United States.
There are many parallels between Dr. Siemionow and Madame Curie.
Watch video and see more from Dr. Siemionow's presentation.