Thursday, January 01, 2009

A Grammar Book for You and I (...Oops, Me!)

The good sisters at St. Margaret Mary gave me a very good start in grammar but with relaxed societal expectations, built-in spelling and grammar checkers and eagle-eyed editors at Inside Business Magazine I felt that I had lost some of my grammar chops.

In this day of short message services, texting to BFFs and a preference for speed rather than grammar in e-mail, proper grammar can make you stand out.

So I decided to be less lazy with my writing and speaking and used this book as a refresher for some of my difficult areas.

Some of the rules I learned way back when still apply - as in Effect is (usually) a noun and Affect (usually) a verb.

I was bummed that my old trick of Principal being a Pal and hence a person didn't apply but most of the other stuff either was still in the old noggin or came back pretty fast.

I posted the book review on GreatLakesGeek so check it out if your grammar ain't (grin) quite what it used to be.