Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgivukkah

This year, on November 28, 2013, two of the most delicious holidays for Jews collide: Thanksgiving and Hanukkah.

This much anticipated day, a day when you finally can eat Thanksgiving turkey and potato latkes at the same time, will not happen again in our lifetime, or even our great-grandchildren's lifetime.

According to the Denver Post, the last time the confluence of Thanksgiving and Hanukkah happened was 1888. This year it occurs Nov. 28, which is the second night of the eight-day Hanukkah celebration. The next time it will occur? Hold on to your dreidels: By some calculations, it won't be for another 79,043 years, thanks to disparities between the Hebrew and Gregorian calendars.

When life gives you Hanukkah on Thanksgiving, make a menurkey. Or a turkel.

Gobble Tov!

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